Change. It seems to be a popular word today in our culture. I read about the need for change in newspapers and on the web, and hear about it from TV and talk radio. Things must change. Things have to change. This is the mantra of 2008-09...change.
While society screams for change, I sit back and ask myself, "what needs to change?" Better yet, "who needs to change?" Of late I've come to the conclusion that each of us must begin to accept responsibility for our own lives. We cannot possibly expect someone else to "change" my life, my experience here on earth. No one is responsible for my health, happiness, well-being, success or one but ME!
When was the last time you took inventory of your life and truly accepted the responsibility of the choices you've made in the past 3-5 years? When was the last time you looked in the mirror and said "NO MORE!"? Everyday I meet people that expect someone else or something else to make them feel better. We have become a society of dependents, requiring someone else or something else to solve our individual problems. And, to top it off, the vast majority of the folks want it to happen now!, not tomorrow or heaven forbid in a week or two.
Many of the health conditions people deal with on a daily basis have stemmed from choices they have made in the past and when confronted about those choices, most choose not to accept responsibility. It's my Dad's fault, it's my genes, it's because of where I live. People are very creative when it comes to deflecting responsibility.
The real truth is that YOU are responsible for YOU! If you are overweight, only you can change the way you eat and exercise. If you have headaches, only you can make the decision to quit popping pills and get the proper treatment. If you have high blood pressure, only you can decide to quit smoking, eat less and exercise more. No pill, potion, lotion or person can "change" you. It is all up to you!
I tell my patients everyday that the desire for the results of the change being made in your life must be greater than the desire for the change itself. Why do you want to be fit? Why do you not want to have headaches? Why do you want to sleep better at night?
The moment you decide to take responsibility for not only your health, but your life, your life will improve.
Please be sure to check back regularly for more insights. In the meantime, why don't you stop by my website at and explore! Be Well!