Thursday, June 18, 2009

REAL Health Care Reform

In the midst of an ever changing landscape in our great country, few thoughts of change stir the proverbial pot like Health Care Reform. For many, this is an uncomfortable topic, much like sitting at a restaurant watching another family's children have a food fight. You know you should do or say something to the parents about the kids' behavior, but in reality, what good would it do since behind the closed doors of home, nothing would change.

To me, Health Care Reform must begin by changing the mindset of Americans from thinking that someone else is responsible for me and my health, to taking full personal responsibility for it. In comparison, when was the last time you expected State Farm or GM to pay to have your oil changed in your car, or the weekly car wash in the winter to get rid of the damaging salt build up or the turn signal bulb that burned out? Sometimes I sit back and scratch my head and wonder where America went wrong? When did we begin to believe that someone else is responsible for my well being? So with that, I believe, the first and most crucial step in Health Care Reform is the re-emergence of personal responsibility.

Secondly, Insurance Companies and the decision makers in those companies need a complete make-over. Nearly everyday in my practice a patient is denied coverage for necessary services by a nurse with lesser training and education than me, or, worse yet, a paper pushing numbers cruncher whose statistical analysis says my recommendations don't fit within "their established treatment parameters." But once again, I don't blame the insurance industry for this as they are a business trying to make a profit. In my opinion, the root of the problem here is the "profit." People, we must remember that the insurance industry is not out for our best interests when it comes to our health. Their decisions are made based on numbers, data and the bottom line: profit and loss.

It is for these two reasons that I feel that REAL Health Care Reform will only come our way when the business of health care becomes exposed for what it is, business. Let me expand on this idea. When was the last time you made a trip to the grocery store and paid only 20% for the food in your cart? Have you ever gone to Macy's and bought a $1800 suit because your clothing deductible was met? I know it sounds crazy, but that's the reality we face. The business of Health Care has been cloaked in a gown of royalty that appears to make it exempt from standard consumer/business practices. But here is the kicker. Behind the doors of all the large clinics and medical facilities and hospitals is a person with an MBA operating that facility like a standard business. Looking at bottom lines, services rendered, payroll and the likes and is establishing policies and procedures to increase the utilization of the products and services offered to patients to increase revenue. The crazy part about all of this is that these policies are built on the predication that someone other than the person receiving the products and services will pay the bill! People wonder why the cost of health care has gone's right there.

Unfortunately there is more to get to, but not enough time to do so today, so be sure to check back for Part II on REAL Health Care reform when I offer my unique solutions.

Please be sure to check back regularly for more insights. In the meantime, why don't you stop by my website at and explore! Be Well!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Living in the Middle

What goes up, must come down. At least that's what the song says. If you were to chart your emotional tenor on a graph everyday for the next 20 years you would be able to look back and see just how much fluctuation there is in your life. You would also see that immediately following the most spectacularly elated and exciting times in your life would be some of the most depressing and gloomy times.

We live in a balanced universe. For every high, there must be a low. For every up, a down. Every positive has a negative. The true master of their life lives in the middle. Never letting themselves get too high or too low because they know the cost of doing so. The master doesn't let herself get caught up in the positives, but sees the whole picture. Let me give you an example.

Remember when you met your spouse or significant other? All you could see were the positives. If someone would ask you why you liked her, you could write a book. If they asked about her flaws or faults, the response is generally "there are none." All you were focused on were the positives. Meanwhile, she was still a controlling, spend-happy, "it's all about me" little daddy's girl. But you just didn't see it. Now, years later, the infatuation and elation is gone and all you see is the negative. What happened to the beautiful, funny, sexy, adventurous woman you met 10 years ago? Where did she go?

She's still there my friend, you're just not looking with the same set of eyes. The master lives in the middle seeing both sides of the equation, the positive and negative. If you are struggling right now, take a step back and ask yourself, "Where is my focus?" Are focused on all the negatives right now? Get out a pencil and paper and draw a line down the middle. On one side write all of the positive words that you could use to describe the person, situation or event you are dealing with. Once you are done, switch sides. Keep writing until you just can't find anymore words. Make sure the list is balanced with same number of positives and negatives. When you are done, sit back and truly feel what you feel now. I guarantee you won't feel the same as when you started!

Please be sure to check back regularly for more insights. In the meantime, why don't you stop by my website at and explore! Be Well!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Fear and Guilt

Have you ever met someone that knew exactly what to say all the time? If you were talking about motorcycles he would expound on his favorites, or in conversation about eating right she had all the information on the tip of her tongue. These are the same people that dream big and make great plans yet never end up getting anywhere. If they are in business, they can present the most creative and exciting business plan that will knock your socks off. If she's a stay at home mom, she has the best kids that ALWAYS eat right, take naps when they are supposed and never sass back. I know you know the type. If you are like me, I am sure you have wondered on many occasions why the reality that they live does not match the conjecture that they spew.

I know you've seen her dragging her kids around the mall with them misbehaving terribly, or better yet, with an ice cream cone in one hand and cotton candy in the other. Well one principle I have learned over the years is that "actions never lie." If you want to know the truth about someone, watch what they do and ignore what they say. An authentic person who is true to herself and those around her will live the tale she tells. Others, who are less authentic, will draw 2 separate pictures- one in words and the other in actions. So why is that? Is it really that hard for some people to be authentic and honest? YES!

For most, the inability to appear less than or inadequate stirs up deep feelings of fear. These folks are paralyzed by the thought of not appearing as if they have their poop in a group. They are more concerned about an image that they hold of themselves rather than reality. The fear of being "found out" drives them to deeper and greater separations from the truth.

For the rest, it is the guilt of making a mistake in the past that motivates them. "I'm never going to let that happen again" is the mantra that runs through their mind, and, ultimately controls their life. Guilt is a powerful force that can and will move a person to lie, cheat and steal to maintain their self-percieved image.

If you know someone whose actions are not congruent with their words, be a friend and tell them. Most are unaware, oblivious to this simple truth. Awareness is the key to losing the "false front" and finding your true authentic self. Remember, fear and guilt are not real, but imaginary evils that exist only to protect our shallow ego. Becoming authentic with yourself and those around you can transform relationships, mend old emotional wounds and get you back on the path to your best life!

Please be sure to check back regularly for more insights. In the meantime, why don't you stop by my website at and explore! Be Well!